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Sponsor A Child Today
Starvation kills 50,000 children each year. Eternal Hope International & our US 501C3 (World Link Partners) serve about 100 children in Nepal and are growing a few children each month as our resources increase. With an all-volunteer administration and only a couple of the funds go to teaching and helping the child. The IRS states that we have to list 5% for administration but such is rarely the case. Our goal is to grow to 200 students in 2020.
The Children Served: E.H.N children are the poorest of the poor some known as the Dalit class or “untouchables”. The caste system is still alive in Nepal but times are changing with education and the help from outsiders like yourselves in the country. These children are bright, beautiful and full of positivity ( some are shy). They can see the value of education as a way to break out of poverty. Most of their parents are illiterate (can’t read or write) and subsist on just a few dollars a day.
Volunteer! There Are So Many Ways to Lend a Helping Hand
We welcome parents and students who are responsible, hard-working, and want to learn about other cultures and ways of life while experiencing the cultural richness that Nepal has to offer.
We are always looking for people who are comfortable teaching from 5 to 50 children at a time in almost any subject they feel comfortable teaching about. We truly enjoy guest instructors willing to share their knowledge and skills with our children.

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