Who We Are


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Our Story

Dr. Usha was a senior administrator at nearby Chitwan Medical  School Nepal overseeing 750 beds for patients (and 2,000 students). She would walk by the slums on her way to work each morning and see the street children playing adn they would call out to her “Dr. Miss!”.   Usha  had a deep desire to make a difference in these children’s lives. 

Dr. Usha herself was from a poor family initially where her parents could neither read nor write but thanks to an unforeseen inheritance from the King of Nepal she and her sisters were able to get an education and her family life changed forever.  For these little ones there was no inheritance there was only Usha and her amazing friends.

Dr. Usha and eight (8) wonderful friends from the hospital would meet and talk about the plight of these street children and try and figure out what would be the very best way to help them?

These street children and their families they realized were  DENIED EDUCATION, HEALTH  CARE AND OPPORTUNITY simply because they were born into the wrong (untouchable)  caste in society or among the indigenous groups shunned for their poverty. In Nepal, they are called “Dalits” meaning the oppressed ( and they truly are).

As a result of their “caste” poor children and their parents try to find menial work or as most do pick through garbage, selling plastic or whatever they can find  for often only $1 per day in order to eat with no way out of a generations-old problem and no hope for change without education.

Literacy among normal women in Nepal is only 35-44.5% (60% for men) yet it was less than 10% among  these mothers and their children locked into this life of poverty.   Poor, hungry, often sick and uneducated, street children are easy prey for traffickers and abusers. Some 50,000 die each year from malnutrition.  

Working with many friends in Nepal initially  for several years and then after her marriage to a philanthropist and subsequent move to the United States Dr. Usha & her husband along with hundreds of volunteers and friends tirelessly started working to educate these street children following the path of Mother Theresa.. Teaching them on the ground in slums & villages, along the banks of the rivers and wherever they could find willing children (just about everywhere they are so eager to learn!).

Using Montessori methods to teach and volunteers from around the world the goal is to bring them up to grade level ( or close to it) so children can then be enrolled in “select” local schools even if it is lower than their age would normally be.  We pay the tuition and uniform fees for these students and continue to mentor them and encourage them (this is essential as often children from low classes are beaten or can be abused even by teachers in the schools if nobody is looking out for them.)

With donations from family, friends, and volunteers giving weeks, months, and even years of their time, a few teachers were hired for just $200-300 dollars a month as the demand grew as children and their families became eager seeing hope that their children might escape the life they have had for generations.

In 2019 A U.S. Corporation was formed and sought 501C3  charitable status to be able to provide tax deductions to donors as several corporate donors were found and the work grew yet again.

There are no paid administrative staff at Eternal Hope International and teachers are volunteers or only paid $200-$350 dollars a month for their living expenses and all the resources go directly to the children.

Eternal Hope International today provides teaching, uniforms, clothing, food, skills training, and mentoring as well as menstrual hygiene management, health camps throughout the year, and nutritional supplementation and vitamins impacting thousands of children in the poorest areas of Nepal and other areas of the world.

Working closely with the families of students by making house to house visits, we help encourage parents to make the sacrifices necessary to keep children inside the E.H.I. sponsored school program.  Focusing on the hope of education and a better life to keep their children off the streets and out of child marriage (which can happen as early as 9) it is a joint effort between families, community and Eternal Hope International.

Social discrimination is hundreds of years old & plays a significant role in keeping millions of  people marginalized in Nepal & India. This discrimination has been “officially illegal” since 1962 but is  widespread without enforcement of statutes. 

Education liberates  slum children. They are happy and healthy in our programs. With your help we can  fully integrate these bright young souls as joyful and productive members of a new society.

Come join us on one of our trips and see for yourself what a few dollars and willing hearts can do.

More of What

We Do

Teach Children

We educate children using Montessori methods to integrate them into schools where we can continue to mentor them.

Vitamins & Food

We provide food supplementatio and vitamins to help children thrive as 66% of children in Nepal are stunted due to malnutrition.

Health Camps 

Volunteer doctors and nurses provide medical treatment to the children and their families and with donations of time and materials we have reached thousands of the most needy children and their families.

Outreach & Business Training

We reach out to communities to help provide outreach with needed supplies for the elderly and infirm as well as simple business training where they can learn to be self sufficient.


Together We Change The World One Child At A Time!

Sponsoring a child for only $20 a month can have such far reaching effects it is difficult to imagine that so little can do so much! Education, health care, nutrition, menstrual hygiene and skills training.. The list is really endless and we can do so much for only $20 a month, less than the price of two movies or a couple of popcorns 🙂

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Our Mission & Approach

Our mission is to create a better world one child at a time.

We do this with Few funds and a lot of love and help from volunteers who believe that saving even one child from poverty and illiteracy is a great accomplishment.

Our teachers are selected on the quality of their heart and a true desire to provide children with a future that is better than just scavenging for scraps or food but one that has hope for a bright future.

One child can make a difference that can shake the world.

Hygiene Kits For Women & Girls

With donations of kits from all over the world and training from Days for Girls more than 10,000 women and girls manage their periods.


Donate time, money, goods and lots and lots of love to improving the lives of children around the world.


Are being taught in the slums, villages, on the ground and by the rivers to read, write, and do arithmetic as well as learn English. 

Children Received Health Care

Volunteer nurses, doctors and others treat thousands of children at our health camps.

Quilts Donated

Saving lives of children, the elderly, lepers and those too poor to survive the winter.


while we work with schools in poor areas we go where the children are to teach them and we have no funds for building schools or shelters so we teach them on the street.

Notebooks Distributed

Many schools in Asia and other places have no writing paper or notebooks for students.  They rely on memorization alone so we donate to schools as well as children in our program.


Volunteers have been working with children in Nepal, South America and around the world.

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